Ports Of Call 2024
Trade- and shipsimulation. Our popular classic game Ports Of Call comes to new life.
After so many years POC (more than 20 years sice the first Amiga Version in 1986) is still very popular and we still develop new versions of this games, with new technical features as 3d ship simulation and new features with more ships and harbours, multi freights and many more for the trading/ economic part. The new Ports Of Call (economic part) is called POC XXL works with two parts, the trade part (called POC XXL) and the optional simulation part (POC Sim3d/Sim3dII). POC XXL will call POC Sim3dII when a actual ship simulation for steering is wanted. Also a 2d simulator is contained in POC XXL. But POC Sim3dII can also be played as a standalone game.
Flash has been removed on the new versions and replaced by video files!
New we just finished Ports Of Call Delux 3D 2024, which is a sequel of the Delux 2008 version, and available on STEAM. It will be updated from now on more frequently, new ships, harbours etc. Some new ships are already integrated. Find them in the game...tell us in out forums.
NEW Version Ports Of Call Deluxe 3D 2024
Available on STEAM !!
The classic version is also available on STEAM - also works on LINUX using PROTON:
My Steam Group page:!!
STEAM SHOP Ports Of Call Page
Available on Android devices:
Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
Buy Now - choose license for Ports Of Call in my shop:
Attention: Licneses are processed MANUALLY, can take up to 1-3 working days. Check spam folders and optionally provide a different email, check carefully the email provided to paypal. Got some cases where the email was invalid, so I cannot respond.
Unsure which license to buy? See infos here

Ports Of Call - Making of ... The book for the game. With many original scripts and images also flowcharts and even parts of the source code. Its shows how POC was made from the beginning of the Amiga days to the newer days. For all POC Fans, dual language in english and german. Also available are kindle editions in english or germany The book is full color with 238 pages.
As we have many POC versions, below the DOWNLOAD links for the full installer of the most important Platinum components:
You can download and try them out before buying a license. A Licence can unlock features. Also have a look at the system requirements
Windows 98, NT, 2000,XP, Vista, Windows 7 minimum SILVER LICENSE needed!
our new 3D ship simulator - full installer as one file [380 MB]
(Windows XP,Vista,Windows 7 + Nvidia 5800... or ATI X600...
Direct X 9.0c card) - PLATINUM LICENSE recommended
XXL Manual download POCXXL preliminary Manual in PDF Format [2457 kb]
POCSIM3DII Manual download POCSIM3DII - preliminary manual in PDF format
for more versions to download and detailed infos see: see Ports Of Call versions
Help us develop more violence free games like Ports Of Call. We never had enough financial response in the past to do so.
If you ever played POC on the Amiga with an illegal copy (this were really lot of people) now you can honor our work in buying a POC License also. Think of why we never come out with sequels of POC? We have enough ideas laying around. But still paying for a game seems to be something strange not many people like to do.
If you are interested in sequels of POC and the idea of POC please write us and also support us by getting a licence.
Ports Of Call Overview

Ports Of Call Classic version for iPhone and iPod touch

the popular classic game
now available for iPhone and iPod touch on App Store ** rework will be done shortly
Apple, the Apple logo, iPod, and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.
Ports Of Call XXL

the sequel of the classic POC
POC XXL BETA is online (get it here from the XXL section)
we really want to program more games like POC (and POC XXL will come soon anyway), but some people really don't motivate us with their behavior very much, and therefore we have to print this following text also:
Attention: distribution, producing of CDROMs and sale of Ports Of Call or POC Sim3d is NOT ALLOWED without explicit written permission, also not through channels of online auction or marketplaces - please report all incidents to poc@rdklein.de
Some infos more detailed in german:
Dieses Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschuetzt. Die dadurch begruendeten Rechte, insbesondere die der Uebersetzung, des Nachdrucks, der Entnahme von Abbildungen und Tabellen, der Funksendung, der (Mikro)verfilmung oder der Vervielfaeltigung auf anderen Wegen und der Verbreitung und/oder Speicherung in Datenverarbeitungsanlagen, bleiben, auch bei nur auszugsweiser Verwertung, vorbehalten. Eine Vervielfaeltigung dieses Werkes oder von Teilen dieses Werkes ist auch im Einzelfall nur in den Grenzen der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland vom 09. September 1965 in der jeweils geltenden Fassung zulaessig. Sie ist GRUNDSAETZLICH verguetungspflichtig. Zuwiderhandlungen unterliegen den Strafbestimmungen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes.
Achtung das bedeutet: die Verteilung oder Verkauf oder Erstellung von CDROMs mit PortsOfCall oder PocSim3d IST OHNE AUSDRUECKLICHE ERLAUBNIS NICHT GESTATTET, auch nicht ueber Online Auktionen z.B. eBay - bitte alle Verletzungen an poc@rdklein.de melden.